How does Flutter run my code on iOS? The engine’s C and C++ code are compiled with LLVM. The Dart code (both the SDK’s and yours) are ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled into a native, ARM library. That library is included in a “runner” iOS project, and the whole thing is built into an .ipa. When launched, the app loads the Flutter library. Any rendering, input or event handling, and so on, are delegated to the compiled Flutter and app code. This is similar to the way many game engines work. Debug mode builds use a virtual machine (VM) to run Dart code (hence the “debug” banner they show to remind people that they’re slightly slower) in order to enable Stateful Hot Reload.
Q. Is Dart a statically typed language? Yes, Dart 2 is statically typed. For more information, read about Dart’s type system. With its combination of static and runtime checks, Dart has a sound type system, which guarantees that an expression of one type cannot produce a value of another type. No surprises! Even with type-safe Dart, you can annotate any variable with dynamic if you need the flexibility of a dynamic language. The dynamic type itself is static, but can contain any type at runtime. Of course, that removes many of the benefits of a type-safe language for that variable.
- dart语言的函数和闭包用法和JS大同小异,同时也做了一些改进。比如增加参数列表特征,=>单行函数的功能。其实这些特征正是之后要重点学习的功能。
Q. Why isn’t Dart syntax more exciting? We did throw in some nice syntactic features such as this. constructor args and => for one-line functions, but we’d agree that Dart chooses familiarity over excitement. One team member’s personal testimonial: “I wish it had a little more razzle dazzle but I can’t deny that literally on my first day of writing Dart code, I was productive in it.”
- dart拥有比js更多的OOP的特性,这点也应该是之后学习的重点。
var name = 'Bob';
还有一个和swift很像的特性就是Optional parameters.这种方式对于写声明式结构的程序,尤其重要。参数的命名可以很清楚表达参数意义。并且函数的参数是可省略,不必把函数所有的参数都列出来,也会让臃肿的UI代码阅读起来非常简洁。突然让我感觉到了flutter和swiftUI异曲同工😂
String say({@required String from, @required String msg, [String device]}) { var result = '$from says $msg'; if (device != null) { result = '$result with a $device'; } return result; } say(from:"xiaoming",msg:"chifan"); say(from:"xiaoming",msg:"chifan",device:["saymicrophone"]);
链式结构,可以让代码阅读的时候更简洁,尤其对象赋值的时候。很多动态语言都有这个语法特性。但是很多静态语言是没有实现这个语法的。尤记得自己看过一本书DSLs in Action,上面介绍java实现链式结构的方法,通过每个方法返回对象,然后实现链式调用,如下就是通过返回对象本身。
public class Widget { private String color; private double height; private double width; public double getWidth() { return width; } public Apple setWidth(double height) { this.width = width; return this; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public Apple setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; return this; } public String getColor() { return color; } public Widget setColor(String color) { this.color = color; return this; } public Widget() { } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj); } public static void main(String[] args) { Widget widget = new Widget(); widget.setWidth(100).setHeight(100).setColor("red"); } }
final _controller = AnimationController(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 250),vsync: this); final _curve = CurvedAnimation(parent: _controller, curve: Curves.easeInOut); Animation<double> _animation; _animation = Tween<double>(begin: 0,end: 1).animate(_curve) ..addListener(() { setState(() {}); }) ..addStatusListener((status) { });
void main() { var list = ['apples', 'bananas', 'oranges']; list.forEach((item) { print('${list.indexOf(item)}: $item'); }); }
list.forEach( (item) => print('${list.indexOf(item)}: $item'));
dart的oop特性相对来讲比js加强了很多,几乎和很多静态语言oop特性差不多。但是我笔记里特意记录下了,dart的一个特性mixin-based inheritance。本质上mix有点像C++的多重继承,并不是所有的类都可以多重继承,可以成为多重继承的父类,必须用Mix关键字。
mixin Musical { bool canPlayPiano = false; bool canCompose = false; bool canConduct = false; void entertainMe() { if (canPlayPiano) { print('Playing piano'); } else if (canConduct) { print('Waving hands'); } else { print('Humming to self'); } } } class Person { String firstName; Person.fromJson(Map data) { print('in Person'); } } class Musician extends Person with Musical { // ·· }
Dart的异步编程,这点和很多脚本语言用法差不多,都是协程的概念。之前我基本都是做oc,c++,swift项目,很少用到协程,所以我还是很好奇,找了下协程实现的逻辑。看到了云风的coroutine源码,这个源码使用C写的。实现的基本原理是利用unix内核中C的库ucontext,通过一个状态机,来保存函数的堆栈信息,从而来管理中断和保证线程的顺序。在mac上运行这个程序还是有点问题,因为mac新版本ucontext已经被遗弃了,不过阅读完源码大致就了解协程的实现方式。下面可以看下dart协程的用法,主要是Future async await这几个关键字的使用。
Future checkVersion() async { var version = await lookUpVersion(); // Do something with version }